25 . January . 2019 BY Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande

It is harrowing when you see your hair going thin. Thin hair problems can be a nightmare! Brushing and running hands through your hair become scary. You can’t leave it open. Hairstyles to flaunt are few. Not to mention, you already know the stress which comes with hair fall. But, it is not the end. There are things that you can do to stop and reverse thinning of hair. The key is to watch out for the signs and act quick!

Here are the 5 signs to watch out for, to start with!

  • Hair Loss
  • Decreased density
  • Lack of hair growth
  • Scanty hair
  • Decreased volume

And here are some of the main reasons that cause thinning of hair:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Allergies
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Genetics
  • Poor hair care
  • Ageing

Having said that, we don’t realise that our hair is thinning until it reaches a progressed state! So, the key is to identify the signs and get the appropriate treatment at the right time.

Meanwhile, here is our take on some small changes in your life that can perhaps help you prevent hair thinning!

1) Your diet is important

Protein builds tissues in your body and also your hair. Your food needs to contain enough proteins for healthy hair. Foods that contain Omega 3 fatty acids, help nourish your hair, make it grow thicker and stronger. Your body cannot produce these healthy fats on its own, so you need to supplement with the diet. You can have almonds and walnuts. You can also depend on ground flax seeds for omega-3. A tablespoon of freshly ground flaxseed on salads is necessary for hair to become thick. Hair foods can create a big impact in your hair’s health.

2) Vitamins are essential

Vitamins for Good Hair Growth is very essential which is the reason why HAIR GROWTH WITH RIGHT VITAMINS intake gives you strong and shiny hair. Vitamin A is vital for hair since it works with fat synthesis. Moreover, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin E support in creating RBC and promotes healthy circulation which in turn provides more oxygen in your body. More oxygen means healthy hair. Some of the other essential minerals for healthy hair are calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, and zinc which can be found in vegetables or take a daily mineral supplement.

3) Speak with your doctor

Many people who are facing the problem of thin hair can have a hormonal imbalance. If there are other symptoms of hormonal imbalance, tell your doctor. And not any doctor. Consult a hair doctor – a trichologist – a specialist who is intensely trained to study your hair and scalp in detail, and to give you the right diagnosis + solution. The hair doctor can help you with the right treatment and also the right diet to help your condition. Various food and natural supplement can promote healthy hormone levels. And an expert hair doctor can give you the right guidance with these.

4) Choose a healthy lifestyle

Smoking reduces blood circulation to your scalp. Your immune system can be affected by alcohol and caffeine which can lead to hair thinning. If you do not drink enough water, then it affects tissue growth and health. The hair shaft is found of water, so you need to drink at least 64 ounces of water in a day. Also, carbonated sodas affect your immune system which leads to thinning hair. Hence, choose your lifestyle carefully!

5) Keep your calm

If you will believe or not, stress can cause thinning of your hair. So, you should try meditation or yoga to calm your mind.

6) Exercise is necessary

Exercise can clean out and unclog your hair pores. It can also make you healthy that will help you grow longer and stronger locks.

7) Oil massage is necessary

Oil massage increases hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles. Essential oils like lavender, thyme, and rosemary can prevent hair thinning and balding. Take any oil like olive, coconut and add few drops of lavender, thyme, and rosemary and massage your scalp. Put a shower cap for thirty minutes and then shampoo your hair. This is great and relaxing, and your hair will be rejuvenated.

8) Use natural juices

Massage your scalp with natural juice of garlic, onion or ginger. Leave it through the night and wash properly.

9) Antioxidants can create a difference

Antioxidants are present in green tea which can prevent hair thinning and boost hair growth. Put warm green tea on your scalp, leave the mixture for an hour and rinse. Also, drink a cup or two of green tea on regular basis.

10) Good hair habits

Hair can get fragile so treat it properly. Strengthening of hair does not need fancy care but a simple regimen of oiling on alternate nights and shampooing, using a mild product with natural ingredients. This will improve the scalp health and in turn, improve overall hair health.

Here are some tips from RichFeel to maintain healthy hair:

  • Oil the scalp at least 3/week and wash it the same way.
  • Avoid over shampooing if hair is dry.
  • Avoid brushing vigorously and frequently. Don’t brush the hair when it is wet.
  • Use wide toothed comb (preferably antistatic) for combing hair
  • Avoid using styling agents or chemicals on hair.
  • Colouring, perming, tinting, straightening are bad for hair. If possible avoid it.
  • Avoid traction alopecia by tying hair in tight ponytail, braids.

Nowadays, we have a plethora of treatments or techniques that can change the course of hair thinning. For those with a progressed state of hair loss and hair thinning, professional help is a must. Meeting a Trichologist can help understand which of the above causes is attacking you and how to solve it once and for all. Most experiments with off-the-shelf oils, shampoos & conditioners, unintentionally making the problem worse! Hair loss and hair thinning are deep-rooted in science and the biochemistry of one’s body. It hence needs a solution that is scientific in its approach, getting to the root of things, quite literally!

Hair treatments have so far been ordinarily related to hair-conditioning, hair rejuvenation, and restoration. Beyond this nothing quite scientific has come by till date. You now have advanced technology such as the Plant Stem Cell Technology and machines developed to help push the right medicinal elements into the hair follicles, to fight hair thinning.

Hair thinning is thus not really an uncontrollable nightmare, but just a problem to tackle! Try out our tips and take control of your hair’s health. And do visit a trichologist periodically to ensure overall hair health!


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