28 . January . 2019 BY Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande

The biggest pain point of grooming in men is the constant need for shaving, be it the facial hair, legs, chest or the back! While hair removal/ maintenance in women are spoken about all the time, this aspect is never discussed with regards to men! Constant shaving is an irritant and also damages the skin. It forms bumps, and ingrown hair turns permanent. So, endless shaving is a problem that needs to be solved for men as well, who wants a clean and hair-free look.

Good news is that there is laser hair reduction and no! it’s not just for women. This treatment is most suitable for men who want to get rid of unwanted fuzz, who are thinking of permanent beard reduction/ sculpting facial hair but are not fans of temporary fixes like shaving and waxing. This is the most painless and cost-effective option! Laser hair reduction also keeps the skin smoother and healthier which makes many opt for the treatment.

Why choose Laser Hair Reduction?

Laser Hair Reduction is a growing trend among men. Hair removal is not something that men are embarrassed to discuss any more. It is now established practice of grooming. More and more men are opting for the procedure, and are satisfied with the results. While many go for a full body treatment, some choose to get only their chest, back, arms, legs or beard-shaping done.

Know all about it before going for it!

You may have read our earlier blog on things you need to know about Laser Hair Reduction before going for it. In case you missed it, click here to read. Now, further, let’s see more about it, especially for men.

Men have coarser and thicker hair than women. Factors such as the activity of androgens, in their body, vary from that of women. They hence require more treatment sessions than females. Further, the area to be treated determines the frequency of procedure as well.

You cannot presume the exact number of sessions since every individual has different hair growth patterns. The best way forward is to take the guidance of a Hair Doctor. A hair doctor – a trichologist – is an intensely trained specialist who studies hair growth in an individual, in consideration with one’s overall medical history, and guides with hair treatments best suited to one.

What are the benefits of Laser Hair Reduction treatment?
  • While the market is flooded with multiple solutions for hair reduction and removal for women, no one speaks of this need for men! Shaving is the only option that works on the face, but solutions for other areas remain a mystery. Razor is one of the means, but hair grows back in a short period. All of these traditional methods offer only a temporary fix, for both men and women.
  • Laser treatment reduces hair growth permanently and eliminates ingrown hairs. There are no burns or bumps unlike in other methods.
  • This treatment involves a one-time investment towards a permanent solution, as compared to the repetitive cost of maintenance fixes like shaving, waxing, plucking etc.
  • Laser Hair Reduction can permanently reduce hair growth from the chest, back and underarms; and give a metrosexual look which is the current trend.
  • Laser facial hair reduction is also helpful to get permanently shaped beards and moustaches.
    Facial hair removal in men is not as common as in women, because most men do not want to get rid of all the facial hair. However, hair removal in a specific facial area gives a more defined look on moustache and beard. Considering the busy lifestyle of working men and to save time invested in shaving daily, laser facial hair removal for men is a very feasible option. Laser facial hair removal also reduces the risk of irritation and folliculitis that occurs due to repetitive shaving.
  • If you frequent the gym or go swimming/ cycling, or face the camera often, it can give you a “clean look” and make you stand out in a crowd.

So, is Laser Hair Reduction only for women? The answer is NO. Also, getting rid of unwanted hair is not only for bodybuilders, swimmers, celebrities or cyclists but for men of all walks of life. More and more are realising the value of laser hair reduction and are opting for it.

Thus, Laser treatment is a truly permanent solution – never have to think about unwanted hair again. It makes the grooming process easier for men as compared to other temporary fixes like waxing and constant shaving.

With more and more advanced technologies being pioneered, such as the Cool Brush technology, permanent hair reduction takes place with maximum comfort and in half the treatment time as compared to other conventional laser treatments in the market. Approach a reputed Clinic, where you can consult a Trichologist; one that offers the latest in laser technology as mentioned above, for a best-in-class experience.

Uncover & flaunt your body free of unwanted hair. Live life on your own terms!
Leave your hair worries to the Hair Experts and be carefree.


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