29 . July . 2022 BY Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande

Hair loss in most cases leads to balding, a condition in which there is a partial or complete loss of hair on the scalp. This can often bring down a person’s confidence, resulting in low self-esteem. However, there are many treatments that restore hair, the most common being the hair transplantation treatment. This blog will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hair transplantation. Read on!!

Hair loss is a very common condition faced by a majority of the population around the world. It is caused by several factors and, more often than not, leads to balding. If you are losing large amounts of hair that seem abnormal, you need to consult a professional and seek help immediately. 

Losing around 50-100 strands of hair every day is normal. However, symptoms that point towards abnormal loss of hair and balding are

  • Bald patches around the head
  • A hairline that recedes steadily
  • The widening of the partition
  • Gradual thinning of hair 
  • Thinner ponytails and more.

From emotional distress to hereditary conditions, plenty of factors come into play in hair loss and balding. Some of these factors include –

  • Family history: If you come from a family in which balding is very common, you are most likely to experience hair loss and balding too. This is usually called Androgenetic alopecia or male and female pattern baldness. 
  • Stress: Stress is another common factor that causes hair loss, often leading to balding. Hair follicles usually go into a state of shock during stressful times and stop producing hair. Loss of hair from stress can be naturally reversed once the stressful period is over. 
  • Hormone imbalances: This is another important contributor to hair loss. Conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disorder (PCOS/PCOD), thyroid, and more, as well as pregnancies, can alter hormones in our bodies. This can cause hair loss as well. 
  • Medical conditions and treatments: Hair loss can be a result of medical conditions as well as their treatments. For example, it is not uncommon for cancer patients to lose a lot of hair during chemotherapy because of the heavy steroids they are made to take. 

These are a few conditions that cause hair loss in individuals. In addition to these, putting your hair through a lot of cosmetic treatments also causes hair loss. Today, many hair restoration treatments have emerged, and the most effective and lasting one is the hair transplant. Let’s look at what hair transplant is and, how it works, the advantages and disadvantages in the coming sections. Stay with us!

What is Hair Transplantation and How Does it Work?

Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves taking healthy hair follicles from a hairy part of the body and literally planting them in areas that don’t have hair follicles. It is a long-lasting hair restoration treatment, and grafting is the most widely used process of transplanting hair. It is nothing but the process that involves the dermatologist/trichologist using a round punch graft to pick out skin cells with healthy hair follicles from the donor site and grafting/transplanting them in the bald part, known as the recipient site. 

Hair transplantation is a procedure that is usually carried out or performed by certified dermatologists or trichologists. Trichologists are doctors who are specialised in trichology, the science that concerns with scalp and hair.

How Does Hair Transplantation Work?

As discussed earlier, hair transplantation is the process of transplanting healthy hair follicles from the donor site to the recipient site. There are two very common ways in which hair transplantation is carried out in 2 different ways

  1. Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit transplant
  2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

1. Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS)

In the FUSS method of hair transplantation, the trichologist extracts a strip of skin from the donor site and stitches up the incision. The donor skin is split into tiny ‘follicular’ units using a microscope. These units contain one or more hair follicles inserted into the recipient site. This method usually involves the extraction of healthy hair follicles from the back of your head. The FUSS method of hair transplantation is comparatively a cheaper option and works best when you need to graft a large number of hair follicles. The procedure is shorter and also quicker compared to other methods. 

2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

In the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method of hair transplantation, the trichologist will remove healthy hair follicles from the donor site with the help of a motorised extractor This procedure will lead to very minimal scarring at the donor site of the skin. But it will not require the patient to get stitches. The surgery is less painful compared to other methods and does not leave a permanent scar behind. The hair follicle extraction in this method of hair transplantation is not restricted to just the back of the head. They can be taken from any part of the body that houses healthy hair follicles. The patient also heals quicker in the FUE method.

These are two of the most common and widely used hair transplantation techniques. Grafting is a process that is common to both of these methods. If you have been experiencing hair loss and balding for around 5 years, then it is time for you to go consult a trichologist or a certified dermatologist who will be able to diagnose the cause behind your condition and help guide you through your options.

Getting a hair transplant might be a lasting solution for hair loss and balding, but it is not one without its own set of pros and cons. Let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hair transplantation in the next section.   

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation might be a lasting solution, but before you get one, you need to understand what it is and be aware of the advantages and disadvantages that the procedure comes with. 

Advantages of Hair Transplantation

  1. The individual’s hair is used in the procedure. Transplantation, as discussed earlier, is the procedure in which your own hair follicles from a hairy part are taken and used on the site that is balding. So, the aesthetics of the hair is uniform and consistent throughout the head. The original hair strands, as well as those that have been transplanted, are of the same colour, texture, as well as density.
  1. A hair transplant gives you a natural look. Since your hair will be used to fill in the bald patches of your head, you will end up getting a fresh, natural, and youthful look. Both hair loss and hair restoration bring about a major change in your appearance. And usually, it is not uncommon for people to assume you are older when you are bald. Therefore, getting a hair transplant done will restore both your youth as well as your age.
  1. Hair transplantation is a straightforward procedure. It does not involve any complicated pre and post-op procedures. Local anaesthesia is administered to the individual during the procedure and is usually done in just one sitting that is about 4-5 hours long. You don’t have to worry about constantly visiting the clinic for more sessions. 
  1. You don’t have to put your hair through any special treatment. Unlike other cosmetic-based hair treatments that require taking special care of your treated hair, your transplanted hair does not require any kind of special treatment. The procedure uses your own hair follicles. Therefore, the transplanted hair will easily blend with the existing portion of your hair. You can wash, style, and maintain your hair the way you usually do. 
  1. Hair transplants are completely safe. The procedure does not involve chemicals or medicines that cause damage to your hair. Nor do they involve other complicated procedures that are life-threatening. Hair transplantation is the only method that will give you a very natural look. Taking your hair and transplanting them to bald sites can just not be dangerous. 

Disadvantages of Hair Transplantation

  1. Hair transplants involve a longer recovery period. The individual getting the transplant does not recover overnight. The transplanted area usually takes a minimum of about 8 to 10 months to completely recover and get back to normal. During this time, you must strictly stick to the post-operative instructions given by your trichologist. 
  1. Results depend on the quality of follicles from the donor site. The healthier the follicles in your donor site, the better the results of the transplant. You cannot expect great or desirable results if the quality of your donor follicles is not great. Talk to your trichologist about the quality of your existing hair follicles before you go ahead with the transplant. 
  1. The individual getting a transplant must have good health. This is especially important in the case of androgenetic alopecia, in which balding is caused by genetic conditions. The individual taking the transplant must know that if he has androgenetic alopecia, then there can be hair loss even after the hair transplant procedure, and this hair loss would need a different treatment altogether. 
  1. There are chances of catching an infection. You must be extremely careful with the transplanted area, especially right after the transplant procedure. The chances are high that you might catch an infection if you leave the area unattended and open after the surgery. In addition to this, your trichologist might also give you antibiotics as a precautionary measure. 
  1. You will have a tender scalp. Post the procedure, your scalp and hair won’t go back to normal immediately. As discussed before, the recovery time for individuals who have undergone a hair transplant is relatively long. Your scalp will be tender for a considerable amount of time post your surgery, and it can also be painful. You need to take care of your hair and scalp with great care till your scalp heals. 

These are the various advantages and disadvantages of getting a hair transplant treatment. If you are experiencing hair loss and want to get it restored, it is time you consult a doctor and go ahead with getting one. But before you make your decision, consider the advantages and disadvantages, figure out the root cause for your balding and see how effective hair transplantation will be for you. 

There are many clinics and trichology centres that offer hair transplant treatments, but RichFeel’s treatment stands out for its unique, tested-to-be-successful procedure. Let’s take a look at the hair transplant treatment at RichFeel, India’s first and largest chain of trichology centres. 

Take Up The Hair Transplant Treatment at RichFeel

RichFeel was founded by Apoorva Shah, India’s first certified trichologist. Being the first and largest chain of trichology centres in the country, RichFeel offers a wide range of solutions for hair and scalp problems. They are also pioneers in the field of trichology in the country. They offer some of the best surgical and non-surgical solutions for hair loss, with the hair transplant treatment being their trademark treatment for hair loss. 

Why Choose RichFeel’s Hair Transplant Treatment

With the increse of online Digital Marketing more business started to promote online. so it always advisacle to choose best in class cemtre with  have Best doctors and real time participants RichFeel’s hair transplant treatment is unique to RichFeel alone. They have partnered with Ailesbury Hair Clinic in London to bring you the Aesthetic Hair Implants (AHI) hair restoration technique. This tested-to-be-successful hair transplant method from the house of RichFeel is famous for its advanced technique of hair follicle extraction and implantation and has proven to yield desirable results. With a high success rate, this AHI hair transplant procedure at RichFeel will help in permanently reversing balding. It is certified as the world’s most innovative technology. 

RichFeel’s AHI Hair Restoration Treatment | Highlights

  • The use of a patented mechanised extractor ensures that scarring is very minimal. 
  • The AHI treatment makes use of the specially patented Foli Pen from AHI-London. This helps keep the hairline as natural looking as possible. 
  • The treatment at RichFeel enables quicker healing of the donor area. 
  • You will get around 3,000 to 5,000 strands of hair placed in one single sitting. 
  • The transplanted hair starts growing 3 months after transplantation at the rate of 1/2 an inch per month. 

These are some of the highlights of the unique AHI hair restoration treatment at RichFeel. The expert trichologists at all 88 centres across the country will first examine your hair and scalp thoroughly before prescribing you the treatment. Trained by Apoorva Shah himself, RichFeel employs trichologists who are experts in their field. 


The AHI hair restoration treatment at RichFeel offers a lasting solution to your hair loss and balding issues. Being a non-invasive surgery, it is the best and the most effective hair transplant treatment in the country. If you are looking for permanent and natural-looking hair transplant solutions, then RichFeel’s AHI treatment is your best choice. Get in touch with them for more details about their hair transplant treatment.


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