06 . March . 2017 BY Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande

We have been seeing hairloss problems in men more commonly than in women and it has been seen that every third male suffers from hairloss problems. Before you continue reading this article grab this amazing free package…

This article will guide on how to stop hair loss in men so go through each of the points very carefully and also apply them to its best to get the best possible results.

Hair loss problems in men

Balding on the scalp full of hair is very common amongst males due to the presence of the hormone testosterone in them which further gets converted in Di-hydro testosterone.

In males the moment they start showing hair loss symptoms they should immediately meet the trichologist to get started with the right treatment.

Hair loss care and its treatment is quiet holistic in its approach which includes not only certain tricho-active external applications, food supplements and treatments but it would also include certain dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Measure to prevent hair loss in men

In fact why wait for the worst to begin as hairloss problems itself get diagnosed at a stage when you have already lost around 20 to 30% of hair so ideally one should be keen to know its chances for suffering from hair loss in future and based on which should start with an appropriate treatment and care and this hold especially true for those who have got family history of hairloss.

There is a golden test termed as Hair Dx test which helps one to know the risk of his to suffer from hair loss in men so that they can know ways on how to stop hair loss in men and start with the same at its earliest.

Depending upon the results of the test the trichologist will guide you on how to deal with the hair loss accordingly.

Treatment for hair loss in men

If you want to know how to stop hair loss in men then you need to meet the trichologist. The treatment not only focuses on delaying the process of hair loss but it also helps in improving the present condition with variable options which are present today (Various surgical and non- surgical options for treating hair loss in men).

Many a times it has been observed that the hair loss problem in men and the dandruff on hair and scalp goes hand in hand and in such cases one needs to treat both the problems simultaneously as they both may share the same cause (DHT which has an effect on the hair roots in the fronto-vertex region giving hair loss and the sebaceous glands making them more active and leading to oily dandruff ).

Prevention and treatment for baldness, alopecia, hair thinning and hair loss in men, treatment for women hair loss at its early stage and also how to treat women with hair loss at a very advanced stage then make sure to visit a trichologist in RichFeel.

A Test To Know Whether Will You Turn Bald In Future? Before that you can know how to control hair loss with this wonderful test

Hair Dx Genetic Tests For Men – Know ways about how to control hair loss if it is in your genes.

The most advanced Hair Dx Genetic Tests would predict the risk of one suffering from the hair problem of Hair Loss or Hair Thinning in one, following which the trichologist can give you ways as to how to control hair loss if you are at a high risk.

The individuals who have got a genetic history of Androgenetic Alopecia should definitely go for this test especially after they have crossed their puberty age group.

By the time one shows the signs of Hair thinning almost 50% of your hair could be already lost and in this problem the hair once lost can never be gained back again unless and until you go for a Surgical option like the FUE or FUT.

In fact most of the hair treatments which are approved by the FDA are able to preserve the existing hair and not on re-growing the lost hair.

So after knowing these facts I am sure that you would really want to know your chances to turn bald in future if your mom or your dad is suffering from baldness.

So here it is, there is a test called as Hair Dx which will help in predicting your hair loss problem before you can see any visible hair loss pattern and it works on the following principles.

This Hair Dx test for male pattern hair loss reports the presence or absence of a peculiar variation in the Androgen receptor gene.

A positive test result means that a man has a high risk of suffering from this Male Pattern Thinning problem, in fact they have upto 80% chance of suffering from this Male Pattern Thinning problem in future. For such patients it is really very important that they meet up with their trichologist regularly so that they are exposed to ways as to how to control hair loss at its earliest.

For such individuals a trichologist can start taking preventive measures right away like following the right kind of external applications, a diet useful for this hair problem and may also start with supplements if required after the puberty age.

In contrast the one who tests negative for the variant AR gene have upto 90% chance of not suffering from this hair problem.

Hair Dx Genetic Tests For Women For Knowing Their Androgen Sensitivity

In females this test is helpful in a different way altogether. It helps in choosing the correct line of treatment by the doctor as the trichologist can determine what sort of treatment will work the best for the female patient suffering from female pattern thinning.

The patients whose androgen sensitivity test comes to be positive benefit from the anti-androgen therapies which include the finasteride, spironolactone etc…

This test is really helpful to solve your problem as to how to control hair loss in males and females.

If you want to know that how to Control Hairfall and Hair Loss as well as Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia) and also tips for controlling hairfall naturally then all you need to do is consult a trichologist and get the hair analysis done as well as your capilloscopic examination done.

RichFeel Clinic in India specializes in showing ways as to how to stop hair loss in men. It has over 88 branches in major cities like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Bangalore etc and other major cities in India.


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